Thursday, 14 May 2009

Aim of the day 14th May

  • Scene 7 shot 7 -
  • Scene 7 shot 15 -
  • Facial animation for the caves - X (I have decided to work on this once the characters a final and ready to go into the scenes)
  • Fix Cho's rig/skinning -


Scene 7 stuff

Ive changed shot 6 to a different angle so that the reverse shot that followed is no longer necessary cutting 2 seconds off the scene! I also rolled the camera a bit on the first close up of Lee reaching the boot to make it look like her arm is coming from the side more rather than the top.

Fixing Cho

As you can see in the picture below Cho's shoulders are crap. This is my fault for putting the joints in the wrong place when i rigged the proxy models.

As I had already skinned Cho there didn't seem to be an easy way to fix the problem, especially seeing as Ive done loads of animation with the rig so couldn't just redo the whole thing or it would mess it all up!

I exported the skin weights for her whole body and then detached her skin and deleted all the rig controllers leaving just the joints. I then repositioned the shoulder joints to the proper places:

I then used the same mel script I used to begin with to make the rig controllers again making sure that they were all named the same as the original controllers. Seeing as we are using references for most of our objects, including characters, it meant that i could just replace the old reference file with this new one and it all updated with the animation in tact!

All the characters have had wrist problems due to my plans for twist links not working out. Originally i thought that the rig script i used supported them. It does but the joints twist the wrong way... So i got rid of the twist joints in favour of corrective blend shapes. These worked ok but went a bit mental when doing anything other than rotating in x axis. Today I had a brainwave and thought that I would probably be able to add in the twist links but use influence geometry instead meaning that I wouldn't have to go back and add joints to the rig.

  1. I asked Dan, Anna and Jake each to model their characters with the palms facing down and with a twist in the forearm
  2. I created three cubes to act as the twist links that the arm would be skinned to
  3. I wrote an expression which tells the fist link to rotate on the x-axis 75% of however much the wrist rotates by on its x-axis. I wrote similar expressions for the 2nd and 3rd links but made them rotate by 50% and 25% respectively
  4. This image shows the rotation of each link when the wrist is rotated 90 degrees
  5. This image shows how the links effect the mesh and how the twist tapers off towards the elbow.

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